Saturday, August 21, 2010

Classic! (pun intended)

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about"
 -Oscar Wilde

Need something to read?
'The Picture of Dorian Gray'- Oscar Wilde's finest work revolving around the supernatural, aimed at the vain. 

A cinematic adaptation of the book - 1945

 A brief skeleton of the plot - Beautiful and young Dorian Gray, overcome with the adulation of his sycophantic friends, begins to believe that the only thing worthwhile in life is beauty, youth and the un-relentless pursuit of happiness. His wish comes true when his ageing and his sin is cast not on his actual self but inflicted upon his portrait, which grows increasingly grotesque as his age and his sins grow.  

The book was written in 1890, an era before supernatural was fashionable (picture Twilight, Harry Potter, even H.G Wells). One can only imagine the controversy that surrounded the book, what with the hedonistic theme and homosexual overtones. Wilde was severely criticized by the conservatives and was even dubbed to be a delusional writer. But Wilde would rather be talked about than not! The book is now considered a work of classic.

Classic is what controversy makes.

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